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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Little Cab-age gets sheathed and roof started

Continuing with a bunch of pictures for you on the progress of rebuilding our bunkhouse.

6 days after the first weekend.

A 'Fun' 4th of July weekend!

Sorry for the noise, neighbors! 

A much needed rest.

Progress will wait for a few weeks.  Here's how we left the little cag-age...

Gave it a bit of a rain coat, installed the door (not shown), said good night!


The little cab-age work has begun - 1st weekend

Things continue to be hectic for me and my family.  For the 2 or 3 fans I might have out there in Blog land, I thought I'd bring you in on the work we've been doing on our bunkhouse at our vacation property.  We call it the little cab-age because the main house is the cab-age, of course!  (Cabin/Cottage - we couldn't decide, so we combined the words.)

Since it has been crazy busy, here are all the progress pictures without much to say.   They are not in the exact order, but do show the work done on different days.   If you have questions, I'd love to see them in the comments.

First day of work, thankfully with our 2 great friends, Chris and Lu.

This is what we started with - bad roof, very old, and very sad looking

smacked myself in the jaw with a pry bar
Two 'back' windows will be closed off

 Second day of work

This is what we accomplished by the end of our weekend together.  Then we all jumped in the lake with our clothes on!